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Sports Biz In A Box Bootcamp
Welcome To Sports Biz Bootcamp!
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3 Secrets To Scale A 6 Figure Sports Coaching Business FREE ebook
Downloadable Bootcamp Workbook IMPORTANT: To download the guide, please scroll to the bottom of it, where there is a button to download it. Once downloaded, you should be able to type into the fields.
Course Workbook
Module 1: Define & Decide
Module 1 - Video Intro (4:51)
Part 1 - Decide
Part 2 - Define
Part 3 - How To Write A Highly Effective Sports Biz Plan
Module 2: Give it THE Name
Module 2 - Video Intro (1:56)
Name Your Business
Module 3: URL It!
Module 3 - Video Intro (1:52)
Buy Your URL Secure Your Name
Module 4: Incorporating 101
Module 4 - Video Intro (2:25)
Incorporate Your Business
Module 5: Branding
Module 5 Video Intro (3:49)
Branding Your Sports Biz
Module 6: Get Noticed & Launched!
Module 6 Video Intro (3:44)
Part 1 - Marketing Your Sports Biz
Part 2 - Social Media - Facebook Setup (3:57)
Part 3 - Create Your Website
Part 4 - Advertising Ideas
Bonus Module 1: Financing Your Business
Setup Payment Methods
Funding Your Biz
Bonus Module 2: Where & How To Work Effectively
Setting Up Your Work Space
Work Spaces - Think Outside The Box
Tools & Resources
My List Of Preferred Tools & Resources
Thank you gift: Cash Calendar
12 Month Cash Calendar
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Sports Biz In A Box - Inner Circle Mastermind
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Course Workbook
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